Many individuals struggle with juggling multiple apps or spreadsheets to track income, expenses, and investments, leading to confusion, inefficiency, and missed opportunities for financial growth. Additionally, there is a need for personalized guidance and insights to make informed financial decisions tailored to individual goals and circumstances.
Flow is your all-in-one financial companion, simplifying the complexities of money management and investing. With intuitive tools and personalized insights, Flow empowers you to track your finances effortlessly, make informed decisions, and achieve your financial goals with confidence. Say goodbye to financial stress and hello to financial freedom with Flow.
Say goodbye to the complexity of managing your finances with multiple apps—Flow brings everything together in one intuitive platform. Track your income, expenses, and investments, set personalized goals, and receive expert advice to achieve financial success. Join the thousands already experiencing the freedom of financial confidence with Flow.
JAN - MARCH 2024
7 Weeks
a MUltiple choice Google Form was sent out to understand our targeted demographics
data collected from live interview
Not everyone have a financial plan
Many have an amount and try to work around it
Keep the design/interface simple and intuitive
Advisor Chat - Pay for Professional Advisor
Spending Breakdown Research by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
Learning to invest
Prioritize expenses while saving for emergencies.
Receiving financial advices from experts in the fields
Faces the challenge of managing finances effectively.
Needs assistance in creating a budget that accounts for variable income.
Create an educational budgeting plan with quality advices/input ?
Make expenses tracking more intuitive ?
Better explain how to invest ?
Make the budget breakdown easier to understand ?
Group 1
Hompage Tab - "More details to show options"
Investment Tab - "A screen should be added betwwen the financier tab and the crypto tab - Explaining the current market and what you shoud invest in"
"Add a Financial Goal Tab" - "the financial goal page should have a detailed description of the current financial situation & get goals for many things such as housing, future saving, and education"
Group 2
Navigation Bar - "Move the icons upward and remove the plus because it doesn't represent the hompage or turn it into the scan feature"
Account tab - "should be the texting tab between users and the financial consultant"
Investment Tab - "You should have part of the page dicussing about the risk of financial investment"